The Process.


If you have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, other psychoses or if you’re on lithium therapy, you will receive a letter from your doctor to arrange an appointment. You may be asked to fill out a questionnaire before your visit. If you don’t receive a letter please contact your GP.

The Physical Health Check.

The Physical Health Check will be conducted by a health care professional. Some of your Physical Health Check might be over the phone or on the computer. You can bring a friend, advocate or peer support worker with you to your appointment. The health check itself will cover many different aspects of your health.


During your health check, you will create a care plan. This care plan could include contacting other health professionals, accessing other services, or signposting to activities in the community so the relevant healthcare will be in touch after your health check to ensure these things happen. Physical Health Checks are annual, so your doctor will arrange your next Physical Health Check in due course.