The Health Check.

They make you feel alright, they talk to you, explain things.

If you are living with a severe mental illness you are entitled to a free physical health check.

Severe Mental Illness (SMI) is a term used to describe all patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, other psychoses and patients on lithium therapy.

People with a severe mental illness are much more likely to have physical health problems. Life expectancy is reduced by an average of 15–20 years. This is due to a number of factors that will be discussed with you at your physical health check.

To support you in managing your health we'd like to invite you to a comprehensive review to support you to help manage existing conditions and reduce the risk of preventable health conditions. These reviews will increase the chances of having a longer, healthier life.

The different elements of the health check are outlined below:

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Weight Management.

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Blood Pressure.

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Pulse Rate.

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Blood Test.

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Smoking Status.

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Alcohol Consumption.

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Diet and Exercise.

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Medicine Review.

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General Health Check.

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Create a Care Plan.

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Reviewing Support.




Access to scanning.

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Illicit drug review.